People in the Fitch Lab

(aka: The Blue Hand Group)

Current Members

Sure 2011

Chase Chase Buchanan

Chase joined the group as a junior and Eli Lilly Undergraduate Fellow in 2010, having previously done research for Dr. Glendening in computational chemistry.  He is a chemistry major and was awarded a Donald and Mary Jo Stanley scholarship in both 2010 and 2011.   Chase plans to pursue graduate school in chemistry.  He is thus far a coauthor on three presentations.

Caleb Caleb Gilman

Caleb joined the lab in 2011 as a freshman.  He is a chemistry major and Rural Health Scholar.

HunterHunter Lavoine

Hunter joined the lab in 2011 as a sophomore.  He is a chemistry major.

Rebecca NorcrossRebecca Norcross

Rebecca joined the lab in 2011 as a junior and Eli Lilly Undergraduate Fellow.  She is a biology major and will graduate in 2012.  She is thus far a coauthor on three presentations.

Jessica StanfieldJessica Stanfield

Jessica  joined the lab in 2011 as a freshman.  She is a chemistry major and Rural Health Scholar.

Emery SteeleEmery Steele

Emery joined the lab in 2011 as a freshman.  He is a chemistry major and Rural Health Scholar

Katie Taylor
Katelynn Taylor

Katie joined the lab in 2011 as a freshman.  She is a chemistry major and CCE Service Learning Scholar.


Former Blue Hands


Summer 2008:  Left to right: Rachael Chase, Allen Liu, Derek Parkes, Dr. Fitch, Mylaka Miller, Kiersten Yake, Mary Cox, Dr. Brad Scates.

Tom BakerTom Baker

Tom was a summer research student in 2007.  He was a psychology major. He is a coauthor on one publication and three presentations.  Tom graduated in 2007.


Mel BediFernand Mel Bedi

Mel was a summer research student in 2004.  He was a psychology major. He is a coauthor on one publication and three presentations.  Mel graduated in 2005 and is currently in pharmacy school at the University of Toledo.

Rachael ChaseRachael Chase

Rachael was in the lab from 2006 to 2008.  She was a Chemistry  major, Presidential Scholar and Undergraduate Fellow for the Center for Public Service and Community Engagement and Lilly Undergraduate Fellow.  She is a coauthor on one publication and twenty presentations.  Rachael won the department's P. D. Wilkinson Award and graduated in 2008.  She currently in medical school at Vanderbilt University.

Ben ChastainBen Chastain

Ben was in the lab from 2004 to 2005.  He was a Chemistry  major,and Rural Health Scholar.  He is a coauthor on one publication and seven presentations.  Ben graduated in 2005 and went on to IU Medical School, first in Terre Haute and then Indianapolis.  He graduated in 2009 and will complete Emergency Medicine residency at IU-Indy in 2012.

Amanda ClayAmanda Clay

Amanda was a summer research student in 2004.  She was a psychology major. He is a coauthor on three presentations.  Amanda graduated in 200.

Mylaka ClinedinstMylaka Miller Clinedinst

Mylaka was in the lab from 2006-2008.  She is a coauthor on one publication and twelve presentations.  She was awarded a Donald and Mary Jo Stanley scholarship and won the department's Undergraduate Award in Analytical Chemistry.  Mylaka  graduated in 2010 and is now in pharmacy school at the Massachussetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences.

Anna CoffeyAnna Coffey

Anna was a freshman summer research student in 2009.  She was a chemistry major, Rural Health Scholar, and Presidential Scholar. She has also recieved the Donald J. Reuland scholarship from the Chemistry Department.  She is a coauthor on  five presentations.  She graduated in 2011 with honors.

Mary CoxMary Cox

Mary was a summer research student in 2008.  She was a Chemistry major and planned to pursue Medical school. Mary left ISU the following year and is at the University of Maryland.

Brandon ElliottBrandon Elliott

Brandon was a summer research student in 2004.  He was a chemistry major. He is a coauthor on one publication and nine presentations.  Brandon graduated in 2006.

Christy EllisChristy Ellis

Christy started in the group in the fall of 2005.  She was a chemistry major and is a coauthor on one presentation.  Christy graduated in 2006 and works at Roche Pharmaceuticals in Indianapolis.

CChris Glecklerhris Gleckler

Chris started in the group in the fall of 2004.  He was a chemistry major and is a coauthor on one presentation.  Chris graduated in 2005 and is now working for Battelle.

Jimmy HubbsJames Hubbs

Jimmy was a summer research student and Joseph Siefker Fellow in 2009.  He is a language major and President's Academic Excellence Scholarship recipient.  He is a coauthor on two presentations.

Jason HughesJason Hughes

Jason was a summer research student in 2005.  He was a chemistry major and is now at Vincennes Universiy pursuing biology and working as a laboratory assistant. 

Andy KastJeffrey Kast

Andy was a summer research student in 2010.  He is a premed major and Rural Health Scholar. He is a coauthor on three presentations. 

Lauren KuckewichLauren Kuckewich

Lauren started in the group in the fall of 2005.  She was a chemistry major and is a coauthor on one presentation.  Lauren graduated in 2006 and is in pharmacy school at Purdue.

Karen LipscombKaren Lipscomb

Karen was my first research student in 2003.  She was a mathematics major (chemistry minor). She is a coauthor on six presentations.  She graduated in 2004 and now lives in Florida.

Allen LiuYing Chau "Allen" Liu

Allen was in the lab from 2007 to 2008, when he graduated.  After graduation, Allen moved on to the University of Missouri where he is pursuing Chemical Engineering.

Amanda PadenAmanda Barlage Paden

Amanda was a summer research student in 2010.  She was a biology major and member of the tr

Derek ParkesDerek Parkes

Derek was a summer research student in 2008 and has the distinction of being the only (legal) drag racer in the group.  He was a Liberal Studies major and Rural Health Scholar. Derek graduated with honors in 2010 and is now.

Richard Reed

Richard was a capstone research student in 2009.  He was a biology major. He is a coauthor on one publication and one presentation. 

Mike SchulteMichael Schulte

Mike joined the research group in 2009 after having previously worked for Rich Kjonaas.  He was a chemistry major and  was awarded a Donald and Mary Jo Stanley scholarship, Eli Lilly Undergraduate Fellowship and CPSCE Undergraduate Fellowship. He is a coauthor on one publication and two presentations.  Mike graduated in 2008 and is currently in graduate school in Biochemistry at Vanderbilt.

Kendall SewardKendall Seward

Kendall was a freshman summer research student in 2009.  She was a chemistry major, Rural Health Scholar, and Focus Indiana Scholar. She has also recieved the Donald and Mary Jo Stanley scholarship from the Chemistry Department.  She is a coauthor on  five presentations.  She graduated in 2011 with honors.

Audrey StollAudrey Stoll

Audrey was a freshman summer research student in 2004.  She was a mathematics major, and Presidential Scholar.

Gordon SturgeonGordon Sturgeon

Gordon was a sophomore summer research student in 2005.  He was a chemistry major.  He is a coauthor on one publication and eight presentations.  Gordon graduated in 2007 and is currently working for Eli Lilly and Company in Indianapolis.

Nick TheisingNick Theising

Nick was a summer research student in 2007.  He was a psychology major. He is a coauthor on one publication and three presentations.  Tom graduated in 2007.

James TingleyJames Tingley

James was a freshman summer research student in 2009.  He was a chemistry major and recieved the William G. Kessel scholarship from the Chemistry Department.  He is a coauthor on  two presentations. 

Patrick TitzerPatrick Titzer

Patrick was a summer research student and Lilly Summer Undergraduate Fellow in 2009. Patrick is distinguished as the only professional artist in the group as well as the only student on whose property we conducted research.  He was a chemistry major, and recieved the Donald and Mary Jo Stanley scholarship from the Department.  He is a coauthor on  three presentations.  Patrick graduated in 2010 and is currently in medical school at IU-Terre Haute.

Kaoru TominagaKaoru Tominaga

Kaoru was a summer research student in 2004.  She was a chemistry major. He is a coauthor on one publication and eight presentations.  Kaoru graduated in 2005 and is in pharmacy school at the University of Rhode Island.

Tory TormaTory Torma

Tory was a freshman summer research student in 2009.  He is a biology major and Rural Health Scholar.  He is a coauthor on two presentations. 

Ryand TuckerRyand Tucker

Ryand was a senior summer research student in 2005.  He was a chemistry major.  He is a coauthor on two presentations.

Brandon WhiteBrandon White

Brandon joined the lab as a junior in 2006.  He is a coauthor on four presentations. Brandon graduated in 2007 and currently works for Eli Lilly and Company in Indianapolis.

Jessica WrightJessica Wright

Jessica joined the lab as a junior in 2006.  She was a chemistry major and recieved the Leonard C. Smith Scholarship in 2008.  She is a coauthor on five presentations. Jessica graduated in 2007.

Breanna WymanBreanna Wyman

Bree was a summer research student in 2009 and 2010.  She was a chemistry major and Presidential Scholar.  She recieved the Undergraduate Analytical Chemistry Award, Undergraduate Organic Chemistry Award and CRC Press Chemistry Achievement Award from the Department.  She is a coauthor on four presentations. Breanna graduated in 2011 with honors summa cum laude and was a recipient of the Hines medal for highest grade point average.  She is currently in pharmacy school at Purdue.

Kiersten YakeKiersten Yake

Kiersten was a summer research student in 2007  She was a Chemistry major and Rural Health Scholar. Kiersten graduated in 2010.

Brad ScatesDr. Bradley Scates

Dr. Scates joined the lab in 2007 as a postdoctoral fellow.  He has a Ph.D. in Chemistry from Washington University in St. Louis and worked under the direction of Professor Kevin Moeller.  Brad has moved on and is working for Obiter Research, a contract synthesis firm in Champaign, IL.


A little fun with the new NMR in Spring 2008:  Left to right: Jason Hughes, Lauren Kuckewich, Christy Ellis, Justin Hadar (Rich Kjonaas' student).  The magnet had not been energized yet.